Tax Grievances Explained by a Real Estate Agent in Seaford

March 3, 2021

Whether you are working with a real estate agent in Seaford to purchase a new home, or, if you
already own a home, you will certainly want to ensure that you don’t end up overpaying when
it comes to your property taxes!

Therefore, it’s important that you are aware of what a tax grievance is, and how it can benefit
you as a homeowner.

We understand just how important tax grievances are! That’s why, here at Kim Holland Homes,
as a real estate agent in Seaford, we have gathered some insight to assist you with knowing
exactly what a tax grievance is. So, if you would like to discover more, be sure to read on:
● What is a Tax Grievance? If a homeowner feels that they are paying more on their
property tax than they should, or that the value of their home is less than the town has
assessed, a tax grievance occurs.

● How Do You File A Tax Grievance? If a tax grievance is set to be filed, information is
collected to determine whether or not it can be allowed by having an assessment
completed. A tax grievance service will do an assessment of the property to determine
whether or not it has been over-assessed by the town, or if its taxes are more than they
should be, therefore allowing the tax grievance company to begin the tax reduction
process. You can also hire a company to do the tax grievance for you usually at a 50/50
split of the reduction. So essentially it is a wash, and your taxes go down.

● What Happens After a Property Is Assessed? After the property is assessed, if the tax
grievance company can’t determine whether or not the property has been
over-assessed, the property owner will receive a notice stating that there is not a viable
tax grievance case. Also, know that the tax assessment of other homes in the area does
not determine the taxes on a particular property. However, know that there is a
possibility that other properties could be under-assessed as well, but the information
can’t always be used for comparison.

● What Happens If a Tax Has Been Imposed? A grievance can be filed if a tax were to be
imposed on a property within a town’s jurisdiction, and if a person is paying those taxes.
A tax grievance company will work with the homeowners to assist them with receiving
the lowest tax reduction possible, regardless of whether or not it’s a personal or
commercial property, as a tax reduction can be done for both.

● How Are Property Taxes Assessed? Every property will have a value placed on it by its
town, which includes the land surrounding it. The property owner is then required to
pay taxes based on the assessment, as they are to pay the particular amount each
month that the town prompts them to, per the assessed value.

● How Do You Qualify to File? After you have contacted a tax grievance company and
have had an assessment completed, the information collected will then be
cross-referenced with the public record that the town has documented. If it has been
determined that the property has been over-assessed, you will qualify to file a tax
reduction petition.

A tax grievance certainly may be beneficial to you! So, we hope that this information explained
by a real estate agent in Seaford has been helpful.
If you are ready to partner with a real estate agent in Massapequa, New York, please get in
touch with us here at Kim Holland Homes! With many years of experience under our belts, we
are all set to work with you.